Monday, April 9, 2012

Quality Factor Of Web Application

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Reliability is that which we relied upon, which has confidence, which should be trustworthy. This thing important because web application is trusted by user who uses the e-commerce site, banking application to complete all their transaction. In Reliability we ensure that all information to be sent actually received by the destination ,it ensure that all duplicate information can be detected and filtered out .Most important Consistency .Take the simple example of the shopping site if the site is unavailable to their user whether due to excessive traffic, or some hardware/software problem after giving so many attempt if user failed to connect then it is really bad for that site in that case user might be loose interest for that site. So Reliability is important quality factor.

Usability is an approach to make web sites easy to use for an end user. The Application should be easy to operate, it should be understandable, and it should be attractive.

It is most critical factor for the web application. In that need to regulate access to information, to verify user identities, and to encrypt the confidential information. Because the credit card information, financial information, medical information, corporate information must all be protected from the person ranging from the casual visitor to determined cracker.

Maintainability is which focus on application upgrade and stability .Increasing the number of user as needed, upgrading the features as users needed, adding the new feature in the application as needed, then for that application need to be maintainable

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