Sunday, September 30, 2012

What is I18N and L10N

International Testing is also called as I18N because there are 18 characters between I and N in Internationalization.

International testing make sure that GUI and Functionality of the application will not be broken with translated text. I18N more related to the design. There should not be any hardcoded format of element like date, currency etc.

Localization Testing is also called as L10N because there are 10 characters between L and N in Localization. We say localization when we develop particular apps or web for only specific region then it called L10N.

In Localization testing we test the apps,web for particular language, it incorporate cultural information such as time ,date, currency etc.L10N is more related to the text and actual data.

International and Localization testing make sure that product is ready for global market .Each testing serve different purpose.

Related Document:
How to test multilingual website?

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Bug Quality important than Quantity

I am writing this post today, why the Quality is important than the Quantity.
Let me explain you, there were four tester in one project oh… am I telling you story...So big no :) There were four tester in one project.Everybody was doing their job. Finding bug after developer gives module to them for testing. Everybody started hunting the bug in that module; some of succeeded to find more than one bug and some not. In that group of four tester three tester find more than one bug but only one tester succeeded  to find just one bug , after bug reporting done those who find more than one bug some of the bug got approved by test manager but some of not …but the tester who just find only one bug in that particular module he got appreciation for that bug because that bug was quality bug .See I am not saying that low and medium bug does not have any value ;even the bug which has low severity & priority same for medium, for us it is bug, even I am not saying find only just one bug.

I am saying that do not hurry to just filing  & increasing the count of bug, because some time tester find the bug which is not related with that module , sometime it’s out of scope , some bugs are duplicate. Make sure when you find bug understand scope, module everything  first..

Try that how can you increase the quality of module, project … some Tester will say tester should   break the software but breaking software mean what?.. You are finding loop holes, you are finding defect, why you are doing this? Because you need to take the module, product towards the quality so just not be hurry to filing bug and increasing bug count. Take more interest to finding valuable bug quality bug.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

How to test multilingual website?

In Globalization apart from English in other languages also the website get developed and which is really good for customer, user who can access the site in their own language and it good for boarder global reach. Now the question is  how to test of Multilingual website?

  • Start from basic preparation, which includes all necessary text translated.

  • In linguistic testing check language problem like typos error, terminology that inappropriate in a specific content.

  • Find which character encoding use, and that you can find in your browser.

            Mozilla:Go to View >>Character Encoding
            Internet Explore: Go to View >>Encoding
            Chrome: Click on wrench icon on the browser toolbar>>Select Setting>>Click on show advance     setting>>there you find language setting.

  • Different spoken languages have had different character encodings associated with them. For Eg: Japanese content may have been encoded with SHIFT_JIS; Simplified Chinese with GB2312 etc. These language specific encodings are sometimes referred to as "native" encodings. 

        Generally UTF-8 supports nearly every spoken language and it also very well supported by all modern    browser.

  • Check HTML code is declared for specific language,for page is written .You can easily checked by viewing page source. For Eg: for Chinese page: <html lang="zh-CN">

  • In functional testing check the site functionality is proper in that language; Check the link navigation, error message. Check URL Format.

  • In user-interface check typo error, check for incorrect character, graphic, Check the color, Check text direction every culture has their own specific way to read for eg: Western cultures read left to right, middle east cultures read right to left ,pacific cultures read top to bottom. Check Format of currency, measure etc. Check length of the word different language take up different amount of space on the language.

  • To do usability testing from user point of you.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

GUI Testing

What is GUI Testing?

GUI Testing is Graphical User Interface Testing , it is process of test application’s user interface and  to ensure that it meets its written specification.

Why GUI Testing important?

GUI Testing includes how the application handles various events like keyboard, mouse events. In GUI Testing involves various task like Test screen text , images, icon, toolbars, button, content . GUI testing an be performed on to the computer system, web base application, application interface (Eg: Ms-Word, Excel) or device interface (Eg: GPS,Cell phone).
GUI Testing improve the look of the application.

How to perform?
GUI testing can be performed both manually or to take help of automation tool like QTP, Test complete etc.

Important point which need to be focus while performing the GUI Testing :

  •   Tester needs to understand how to achieve respective goals.
  •   Focused on how to test the application.
  •   Prepare the checklist for GUI Testing.
  •   Focus on Windows Compliance standard Like text boxes, check box, drop down box, list box ,each window in application ,button etc.
  •   Focus on screen validation Like validation condition, Navigation condition, usability condition,     various mode condition, Aesthetic condition.
  •   Focus on Standard Action Validation like add, view, delete, edit, cancel, shortcut keys, and control shortcut keys.
      Always Remember that First impression is last impression .

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

How to write Bug Title?

I found an example of bug title that is” repetition of the link”

Now seeing this bug title should I come to know or even you where and which link reporter talking about it? Answer is Big” No” unless and until  see the whole bug report and steps.

So, this type of the bug title some time really gives frustration to reader and reviewer.

Bug title is very essential part of the bug report. Seeing bug title reader should come to know what is bug all about. Structure and formatted bug title very useful when it come for sorting and reviewing.

There is various ways to write the bug title but according to me bug title should be short and descriptive.

You can start the bug title where the bug occurred that mean state the part or area of the application followed by a colon (“:”) or hyphen (“-“)
After that give description of the bug. It should be small but descriptive.

1. Login form: “Submit button disabled”
2.Homepage- “The ‘Career’ link is linking to the incorrect page”

Bug title should be stand out in report. Having glance of the bug title reader should come to know where the bug is and what the bug is.

Writing good bug title can help reader who does not any idea about the bug so if write in perfect manner then he/she easily reach there and understand what bug is it. When it come for sorting then it’s very easy for reviewer and reporter itself. See if you write bug title above mention pattern then reviewer can sort the bug
" part or area of the application” so reviewer work make easy rather confusing and misleading .Writing the bug title in some good pattern, following standard. It’s help to all people in project including the customer also.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Testing of CAPTCHA

What is a CAPTCHA?
CAPTCHA is distorted text .It is challenge response test and that response need to be generated by human.Captcha comes in many shape and size.

Full form of CAPTCHA:  Completely Automated Public Turing Test To Tell Computers and Humans Apart.

Why Captcha is important for any web site?
1. Captcha gives protection for the website registration.

2. Captcha Protect and prevent from spam comment.

3. Captcha Prevent the bots illegal access to any website.

4. Captcha satisfy main issue like security and accessibility.

5. In online poll Captcha allows human only to vote.

6. Using Captcha it is possible to protect emails from worm and spam by insuring the sender is human not bots.

How to test Captcha?
1. Every refresh of a webpage should display new Captcha.

2. Captcha image of text should be distorted text.

3. Captcha need to be Combination of alpha-numeric character, upper and lower case.

4. There should be client side validation which displays the error message when submitting form without entering the Captcha.

5.Check the Captcha entry it should be case sensitive.

6.Captcha need to be refreshed for wrong entry.

7.Need to be done server side validation for Captcha.

8.Need to be test audio support if the website is supported for blind end-user.