Tuesday, March 13, 2012

What is Junit?

Junit: It is subset of the java or derived of the java, with predefined and specific information that something called as annotation (@) those build together called as Junit framework...Junit is develop for the developer where they can test their own java code effectively
Junit is used for unit testing by developers. Junit basically is a testing framework.
When combined with selenium, it roves out to be very powerful in implementing selenium test cases and building a framework.
Junit selenium combination can be used to build any type of framework- keyword driven, data driven etc. When the scripts are run with the help of ANT, we also get HTML reports for test cases.

Junit comes inbuilt with eclipse.
Go to project properties, click on java build path and select the libraries tab.
Click on button on the left - 'Add Library' and add the junit 4 library into your project.
Junit 4 is the latest version of junit and has got various annotations supported in it.
The junit 4 annotations make our work very easy while writing the selenium scripts.

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