Monday, March 12, 2012

Selenium Components and step for the download

1. What is selenium?
Selenium is test automation tool and it is extremely in demand, rapidly growing with world-wide and it is open source tool. It is cross browser testing and it is use any programing and functional automation so on .It is web base tool. It is cross browser .It’s support all programming language.
It is the independent of the language which the website is made

2. What are the Components of Selenium?

- Selenium IDE: Installs as an add-on in Mozilla. Only runs in Mozilla. It’s got a strong feature of record and run. It is primarily record & run tool. You can also extend IDE functionality with the help of user extensions. It supports regular extensions, loops, if statements and many other features. You can also parameterize your test cases using IDE. Click here to view 4 hours of Selenium IDE video tutorial. Drawback: it is only work in the Mozilla.
- Selenium RC: This is the older version of selenium. It works on all multiple browsers. RC can be implemented in any one of the programming languages.
- Web driver: Web driver is the new version of selenium. It also works on multiple browsers. It’s removed many drawbacks and issues in Selenium RC. It also supports Android and IPhone Testing.
- Grid: Grid is used to run test cases parallel on multiple machines and browsers. For the takes the test excitation takes lesser time.

3. Download the Selenium IDE
1. Go to Google
2. Type selenium
3. Visit selenium HQ link
4. Click on the selenium IDE latest version
How to install the firebug?
(NOTE: This is the add-on for the firefox)

4. Download the Selenium web driver?
1. Go to Google
2. Type selenium
3. Visit selenium HQ link
4. Download the Java client version.
5. Unzip the zip file.
6. Go to eclipse
7. Go to the project>>Right click on the project>>java build path>>click on the library tab>>click on the add external jar file >>select the jar file where it is located>>click on the finish button

5. Download the Selenium RC
1. Download the selenium rc from the Google.
2. Unzip the zip file.
3. Go to eclipse
4. Go to the project>>Right click on the project>>java build path>>click on the library tab>>click on the add external jar file >>select the jar file where it is located>>click on the finish button

(Note: Download the all installation file from my blog-: Selenium Links )

Related  Document:
Selenium Overview

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