Monday, March 26, 2012

Selenium Remote Control Introduction

Selenium RC
Suppose You want to create frame work or want to run test case which required to change the test data frequently or need to be repeated data; else you want to check some condition , to do verification,  to use reusable function ….Then IDE fail in that .To do these need to do the programing then selenium RC is introduce.

What is Selenium Remote Control?

As you know the selenium IDE only work with the Mozilla Firefox…but end-user does not use only the one Firefox they use different browser Internet Explorer, Google chrome, Opera .It is tool that allow you to write automated web application UI Test in any programming language. It is also called as selenium 1.

How the Selenium RC Works?

The Diagram shows that RC Server receives the selenium command from the scripts (Test Programme). Test programme passes selenium command to the RC Sever for execution then RC Sever send this to web browser.
Selenium RC needed the selenium client libraries .It provides a programming interface. The client library takes a Selenese command and passes it to the Selenium Server for processing a specific action or test against the application under test. The client library also receives the result of that command and passes it back to your program.

How to set up Selenium Remote Control?

Download Selenium Remote Control: (
Extract the Zip file.
Go the Command Prompt navigate to the folder where you extract the zip file.
Run the command java –jar  selenium-server-standalone-2.19.0.jar  (Note: 2.19.0 this is the version number when I downloaded) Running this command we created the proxy that our tests will communicate with it.

How to import selenium IDE Test case to Selenium RC?
1. Go to Selenium IDE
2. Open the test case in Selenium IDE which recorded
3. Convert the selenium IDE test in different format by going to Option tab of selenium IDE menu
4. Go to Format
5. Select the language which you want (Eg: select the java)
6. Go to source tab 
7. Copy the code in Eclipse project
8.How to create the project in Eclipse?( Eclipse Installation and Project Creation ) 
1. Launch the Eclipse simply clicking on Eclipse Icon
2. Click on the File of the menu bar of the Eclipse
3. Follow the path: File>>New>>Java Project
4. Enter or else Give the Project Name and Click on the Finish button
5. The Java Project get created
Expand the project:
SRC is called as Package gets created by default. --- Create new classes into it 
6. Click on the right click of the src and click on the Class and give the name of the class
First thing need to do the change the class name in the source file which copied from the IDE and give the class name which you given the src class name
7. Paste the code which copied.


  1. Hi,
    4. Go to Format
    5. Select the language which you want (Eg: select the java)
    in my IDE i am not able to get java language in format, please guide me how to add java language in OPtion>option>format.
    I am able to see only- HTML,C#,Junit,Python,Ruby.
    but java is not present.
    Please help me out

    1. Hi Rashmi,

      First up all u check the Selenium IDE version does it's updated ?
      If not then it is ok.. do one thing ..1.Under the option menu of selenium IDE click on option.2.Select "Enable experimental features" option on OK. 4.Then come back to option >> format
      You will be able to see all the language formats
