Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Benefits of Automation Testing

There is no comparison between manual testing and automation testing.

Each one has their own benefit. There is some circumstance where manual fails to do , then automation come in picture.

Automation testing tool test Website , Apps significantly faster than human user.

There are web site, products, apps which comes in version, so using automation testing tool we can reuse the same test again and again on different version. Which reduce your time and work too:)

Some of Automation testing tool like QTP, Selenium reliable;because Test perform the same operation each time tool run;so therefore eliminate human error.

Performing same test on particular application you can test how the application react to doing repeated execution of same operation.

Even you can program test, which can bring out hidden information.

So reduce your burden of same work using automation tool. Or else start writing test program using automation tool..

1 comment:

  1. I have agreed with you about manual test and automation test. they can't compare together.
    Manual is action by human user.
    Automation test is replace by human user from scripts which is created by us.
    automation is promoted in projects (which is regression test).
