Sunday, May 6, 2012

Software Testing Estimation

Estimation is important factor which associate with each project .The same thing associate to the testing task, testing team that how much time do they required to do testing activity.

Estimation should not be wrong or not to be irrelevant. Test Estimation should be realistic.

In testing there are number of activity need to do like requirement analysis, test planning, test case writing, test case executions, regression testing and all.

To define the test estimation tester has to understand the requirement clearly when project requirement take place.
Need to allocate the task properly. Task should be divide in such way that everyone occupy with proper task and that lead to complete the testing activity in allocated time here you need to understand  Members skill ,expertise which help to estimate the how much time requires to writing, executing test cases etc. See every test team member has their own speed like someone is faster than other to do testing activity.

 (Resources Availability like members presence)To do test Estimation should consider team member availability for particular testing task so that will help to allocating the task accurately.

If new feature is developed understand that feature properly .or if there enhancement is going on existing product then take help of last version project test cases ,script which will be help to do parallel testing.

Test Estimation  judgments come with the experience with previous project.

Bug checking ,regression testing is purely depend upon the size of the project .If more number of the featured develop the chances of bug and checking of the bug fixing more so it may be spoil the testing timeline so you need to be take buffer time for that so you can do this type of testing activity too.

Communication is very important factor, do not hesitate to take the help of and communicate with the team member, developer because at end the project needs to be complete given timeline with quality.

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