Thursday, May 10, 2012

List of HTTP Status Code

HTTP is request-response protocols. Every HTTP transaction has a status code .So for doing web application testing tester need to understand following status code too. Some of status codes are very common that are: 200,300,301,302,304,307,400,401,403,404,500,501,503.

List of HTTP Status Code:

1xx status code represents the information message

101-Switching Protocols

2xx status code represents the Successful message

200- OK
203-Non Authoritative information
204-No content
205-Reset content
206-Partial content

3xx status code represents the Redirection message

300-Multiple choice-Max 5 address
301-Moved permanently
302-Found (Moved temporally)
303-See Other
304-Not modified
306-Switch proxy (No longer used)
307-Temporally redirects
308-Resume incomplete

4xx status code represents the Client Error message

400-Bad Request
402-Payment required(Use in future)
403-Forbidden (Server refuse the request)
404-Not found (Request page not found currently but it available in future)
405-Method not allowed
406-Not acceptable
407-Proxy authentication required
408-Request timeout
410-Request page is no longer available
411-Length required
412-Precondition failed
413-Request Entry to large
414-Request URL too long
415-Unsupported media type
416-Requested range not satisfied
417-Expectation failed

5xx status code represents the Server Error message

500-Internal server Error
501-Server does not recognize request method or it may not be fulfil the request
502-Bad getaway
503-Server is down or overloaded
504-Getaway timeout
505-Http version not supported
511-Network authentication required

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