NO | Negative Test case For Email Address | Explanation |
1 | abcdefgh | Missing @ sign and domain name |
2 | #$%^&* | Garbage valaue |
3 | | Missing Local part(Username) |
4 | | Missing @ sign |
5 | | Leading dot is invaild |
6 | | Trailing dot is invalid |
7 | | Multiple dot |
8 | email@domain | Top level domain is missing |
9 | | Leading - in front of domain |
10 | email@12344.4444.555.555 | Invalid IP address format |
11 | あいう | Unicode character invalid |
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Negative Test Cases for Email Address
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Positive Test cases for Email Address
NO | Positive Test case For Email Address | Explanation |
1 | | valid email with all lower case letter |
2 | | Valid Email with upper case letter |
3 | | Email contain dot in address field(Local Part) |
4 | | Email contain dash in address field(Local Part) |
5 | | Email contains dot with sub domain |
6 | email@ | Domain is valid IP address |
7 | email@[] | Square bracket around IP address |
8 | "email" | Quotes around email address(Local Part) |
9 | | Email contain alpha numeric character |
10 | | Email contain only digit |
11 | | Dash in domain name |
12 | | Underscore in the address field |
13 | | .name is valid Top Level Domain name |
14 | | Dot in top level domain name |
Sunday, May 20, 2012
What is SEI,CMM,CMMI and ISO
Software Engineering Institute. It is
Active development of the model by the US Department of Defence Software
Engineering Institute (SEI) began in 1986.
Capability Maturity Model. The term
maturity relate to the degree of formality and optimization of processes. There
are five levels defined in CMM.
Level 1: Initial
- It is the starting point for use of a new or undocumented repeat process.
Level 2: Repeatable -
the process is at least documented sufficiently such that repeating the same
steps may be attempted.
Level 3: Defined -
the process is defined/confirmed as a standard business process, and decomposed
to levels 1, 2 and 3.
Level 4: Managed -
the process is quantitatively managed in accordance with agreed-upon
Level 5: Optimizing -
process management includes deliberate process optimization/improvement.
Capability Maturity Model Integration . It is a process
improvement approach that helps organizations improve their performance. CMMI
can be used to guide process improvement across a project, a division, or an
entire organization.
It’s integrate traditionally separate organizational functions, set process
improvement goals and priorities, provide guidance for quality processes, and
provide a point of reference for appraising current processes.
International Organization for Standards
ISO 9000 is a series of standards, developed and published by the International
Organization for Standardization, The ISO 9000 standard is the most widely known
and It serves many different industries and organizations as a guide to
quality products, service, and management. In order to be certified, the
organization must submit to an examination by an outside assessor.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Difference between Cookie and Cache
NO | Cookie | Cache |
1 | Cookie is a very small piece of information that is stored on the client’s machine by the web site and is sent back to the server each time a page is requested | Cache is a temporary storage of web page resources stored on client’s machine for quicker loading of the web pages. |
2 | Cookie is to store information to track different characteristics related to user | Cache is to make the loading of web pages faster |
3 | Cookies keep information such as user preferences | Cache will keep resource files such as audio, video or flash files. |
4 | Cookies expire after some time | Cache is kept in the client’s machine until they are removed manually by the user. |
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Tips for Bug Investigation
1 Analysis the software bug cause:
Find the real cause of the software bug; that cause can be software design, code implementation, tester fault etc.
2 Investigate any
other similar types of the bug:
Sometime it’s happen that the symptoms are
different but cause is same. Or that bug may be find out the different area of
the software system.
3 Check the symptoms of the bugs:
What are the symptoms of the stated bug
that need to be check.
4 Reproduce the same bug:
Try to reproduce same bug with same
environment which is stated on the bug report.
5 Check
the possible side effect:
Sometime some bug responsible to indicate
possible side effects. These could be file corruptions, device failure etc.
6 Communicate with Team members:
Communication is very important.
Communicate with them who are familiar of the system. They may be able to
provide you some useful information and tips. Even they can provide you possible
side effect.
7 Create new test and new data for the bug:
Creating new data, editing test script is
useful to check the bug.
8 Report the bug:
It is very important if you are doing bug
investigation reporting the each test important because it can be useful and
helpful too.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
List of HTTP Status Code
HTTP is request-response protocols. Every HTTP transaction has a status code .So for doing web application testing tester need to understand following status code too. Some of status codes are very common that are: 200,300,301,302,304,307,400,401,403,404,500,501,503.
List of HTTP Status Code:
1xx status code represents the information message
101-Switching Protocols
2xx status code represents the Successful message
200- OK
203-Non Authoritative information
204-No content
205-Reset content
206-Partial content
3xx status code represents the Redirection message
300-Multiple choice-Max 5 address
301-Moved permanently
302-Found (Moved temporally)
303-See Other
304-Not modified
306-Switch proxy (No longer used)
307-Temporally redirects
308-Resume incomplete
4xx status code represents the Client Error message
400-Bad Request
402-Payment required(Use in future)
403-Forbidden (Server refuse the request)
404-Not found (Request page not found currently but it available in future)
405-Method not allowed
406-Not acceptable
407-Proxy authentication required
408-Request timeout
410-Request page is no longer available
411-Length required
412-Precondition failed
413-Request Entry to large
414-Request URL too long
415-Unsupported media type
416-Requested range not satisfied
417-Expectation failed
5xx status code represents the Server Error message
500-Internal server Error
501-Server does not recognize request method or it may not be fulfil the request
502-Bad getaway
503-Server is down or overloaded
504-Getaway timeout
505-Http version not supported
511-Network authentication required
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Software Testing Estimation
Estimation is important factor which associate with each project .The same thing associate to the testing task, testing team that how much time do they required to do testing activity.
Estimation should not be wrong or not to be irrelevant. Test Estimation should be realistic.
In testing there are number of activity need to do like requirement analysis, test planning, test case writing, test case executions, regression testing and all.
To define the test estimation tester has to understand the requirement clearly when project requirement take place.
Need to allocate the task properly. Task should be divide in such way that everyone occupy with proper task and that lead to complete the testing activity in allocated time here you need to understand Members skill ,expertise which help to estimate the how much time requires to writing, executing test cases etc. See every test team member has their own speed like someone is faster than other to do testing activity.
(Resources Availability like members presence)To do test Estimation should consider team member availability for particular testing task so that will help to allocating the task accurately.
If new feature is developed understand that feature properly .or if there enhancement is going on existing product then take help of last version project test cases ,script which will be help to do parallel testing.
Test Estimation judgments come with the experience with previous project.
Bug checking ,regression testing is purely depend upon the size of the project .If more number of the featured develop the chances of bug and checking of the bug fixing more so it may be spoil the testing timeline so you need to be take buffer time for that so you can do this type of testing activity too.
Communication is very important factor, do not hesitate to take the help of and communicate with the team member, developer because at end the project needs to be complete given timeline with quality.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Requirement analysis : Why it is important?
Requirement analysis is very crucial part in testing and it is core activity of the tester.
Tester need to understand the requirements clearly. If there is bigger requirement that need to be split in small requirements and need to be work on it.
The requirement has to be clear, readable, understandable, traceable, and measurable.
If we say requirement clear that mean there is no confusion .If we say readable that mean any non-technical person need to be understand requirement .There is no any unnecessary technical term and It is easy to understand.
The Requirement should be measurable that mean no any assumption .For e.g. take web application if user enter the search term then application need to response as soon as possible. Seeing this requirement we can’t understand what exactly it mean? "as soon as possible" .does it response in 1min,60 sec or in 30 sec ? so there is need to be a specific time in which we can measure the response.
Requirement should be traceable with different level that mean it can be traceable to design level, coding or Testing level.
When we say traceable in testing that mean each Requirement has their own testcase.That requirement need to be traceable to their respective test cases.
The Requirements are key factor for the tester.
Communication is more important, if you do not understand any requirement ask the question until you understand requirements clearly.
Change in requirement: sometimes it happens the requirement get change so in that case it has to be defined process for receiving the new requirement and Ensure that the new requirement request is it approval from all stakeholder.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Difference between Thin Client & Thick Client
NO | Thin Client | Thick Client |
1 | In Thin Client, Application actually run on the server where Server situated anywhere | In Thick Client, Application Actually run on the Client and little work done on the server if needed. |
2 | Thin Client is also called as Small Client | Thick Client is also called as Fat Client. |
3 | Thin Client require constant communication with server | Thick Client no need require constant communication with server |
4 | Less security threats | More Security issues |
5 | More downtime require | Very expensive to deploy |
6 | Little data processing done in client machine | More data processing done in Client machine |
7 | Thin Client Require more server demand | Thick Client Require less server demand |
8 | E.g.: Browser Base Application | E.g.: Windows base Application |
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